NuConsult Team

Johnny Giles, Wind Development Coordinator for NuConsult Services

Wind Development Coordinator 

Johnny Giles

OVERVIEW: Johnny is bringing leadership experience from both high-speed manufacturing and renewable energy operations management. Johnny has successfully utilized Lean Six-Sigma methods to oversee the entire lifecycle of large wind energy sites, from Construction to Commissioning to Operations. Throughout his 16 years of experience in the renewable energy sector, he has prioritized Safety and Environmental responsibility, drawing from the knowledge and guidance of seasoned industry leaders.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Johnny is currently coordinating with two of the largest companies in the oil and gas production and renewable energy sectors in the United States. He has been working on behalf of the largest oil and gas company in the Permian Basin, ensuring that their interests are being taken care of. He is also working with the leader in renewable energy operations, helping both companies adhere to the high standards set for their respective sectors. Johnny has over 33 years of experience in leadership roles, including high-speed production, plant management, renewable operations and maintenance, balance of plant operations, and project management. He has led one of the largest wind energy sites in the NextEra portfolio, the most impactful wind energy sites in the NRG and Clearway Energy portfolios, along with managing the largest solar farm in Texas for Enel Green Power.

Qualifications and Certifications:


Location MAp